Milan, demolished Galliani’s latest mercato

AC Milan’s new leadership, Fassone and Mirabelli, with the support of the Chinese ownership, have signed many players and totally changed the face of the team.
“The last mercato? Best of my career.” This was how Adriano Galliani, then CEO of Milan, spoke in the first days of February, at the end of the January transfer window. A conditioned session, like the previous one, due to the missing approval of the future Chinese ownership still behind the scenes. On the other hand, the closing seemed far from being ratified and the historic Milan leader had to do something, with little funds and many unknowns towards the future.
The fact is that in the just ended transfer window, the new rossoneri leadership, with Marco Fassone and Massimiliano Mirabelli, in full harmony with coach Vincenzo Montella, has almost demolished the last transfer market season, selling a good deal of players and heavily renewing the squad. Specifically, in the summer market of a year ago, the various Gustavo Gomez, Vangioni, Mati Fernandez, Pasalic, Jose Sosa and Lapadula arrived in Milanello in addition to the return of Paletta and Suso from their respective loans. In January, however, to complete the squad were taken Storari, Deulofeu and Ocampos, for a total of nine purchases, excluding returns from various loans.
Analyzing the recent reinforcement campaign, Galliani’s latest mercato was in practice almost totally demolished. Of the aforementioned arrivals, only two are still in team, namely Gustavo Gomez and Marco Storari, with the first who was about to be sold in Turkey in an operation that failed only in the last moments. The others, the last being Jose Sosa, officially a Trabzonspor player, have all left Milan after one year or less in rossonero. In some cases, such as those of Pasalic and Deulofeu, the good performances on the field were not enough to convince Fassone and Mirabelli to permanently hold them in Italy.

The latest transfer window, in addition to clearly changing the face of the team, has in fact sentenced the failure of the last two transfer sessions of Galliani’s career with the red and blacks. For best or for worst, an epochal change has led to a nearly definitive separation with the old ownership.