MF: A single clause by Yonghong Li is blocking the sale of Milan

The time is ending for Yonghong Li, the Chinese businessman has only two days left to sell the club or repay Elliot otherwise the American fund becomes automatically the new owner of AC Milan. And yet again Mr. Li continues to resist.
According to Andrea Montanari of Milano Finanza, just a few hours before the deadline of 6 July, Yonghong Li last chance to pay back the 32 million euros of capital increase, negotiations for the sale of AC Milan club seem, at the moment, to be frozen.
And for a specific motive: the reason why Rocco Commisso (and others) remain distant from the closing of the operation for the acquisition of the Rossoneri, in fact, would be linked to a precise condition that the current president continues to insist to see included in the transfer contract.
The reason is not linked to his will to collect a cash sum, as some reported, nor to the request of a 25-30 percentage relating to the permanence of Yonghong Li as a minority shareholder. The Chinese businessman has put the option of future non-dilution of his residual quota in black and white even in case of capital increases that the club will be called to resolve in the coming years. A condition that Mister Li wants to insert and which is holding back the suitors.