Commisso speaks: “I proceed with Milan purchase”

Yesterday was a sad day for the Rossoneri with UEFA deciding to ban AC Milan from Europa League for one season and hours earlier president Yonghong Li interrupted negotiations for the sale of the club to billionaire Rocco Commisso.
In a short interview for America Today, for the first time, media mogul Commisso commented on the matter confirming that negotiations will continue “but only on my terms and I would never accept being a minority shareholder.”
“The negotiations to buy Milan continue, despite the difficulty in communication due to the constant presence of an emissary. This, in my view, damages the foundations of the rapport of trust that must exist in a complex, but clear, context like the one we have currently.
I will close the contract, but only on my terms. Let it be clear, first of all I need to have a binding agreement. I would never accept being a minority shareholder. The club must be mine, because I think I can run it well and take it back to its golden days.”
Commissioner then added: “This Milan seven-time European champion has a tradition and a history of global significance and does not deserve to be treated like that”.